Christian County Public Schools

Christian County High School

High school should do two things for students: it should forge lasting friendships and memories, but even more so, it should prepare our youth for promising futures. Christian County Public Schools' plan to consolidate 3 high schools from 4 different locations into one brand new high school will exceed that expectation. All students attending Christian County High School will choose a career and technical education (CTE) program to learn along with their core academic education. The idea is to inspire students to visualize their futures and learn career-based skills through hands-on experience. Shop students and other traditionally off-campus CTE courses will no longer find themselves in a building separate from the main high school. This school will house them all under one roof, with the addition of other industry and career choices.

To do this, the high school will be designed into five academies: The Freshman Academy, Community Health, Business and Hospitality, Engineering and Manufacturing and Agriculture and Transportation. The hands-on learning experiences available will be an undeniable advantage for Christian County students no matter what path they choose.

Each academy will have its own wing, branching off the main hallway, where its students will spend most of their day attending classes. The design includes important factors such as safety and security, flexibility and durability. The building will feature a centralized commons/cafeteria where students can meet up and collaborate. While the common areas will be branded with school pride colors, each individual academy will boast its own identity.

The school is looking to open for the fall 2025 semester.