University of Southern Indiana

Business & Engineering Center

The new Business and Engineering Center combines Business and Engineering students in one building in order to facilitate collaboration amongst the programs. In today’s world of new technologies, innovation and business growth, it is crucial that these students share information and skills with one another. The building serves both student populations interdependently providing both dedicated and shared classroom and laboratory space.

The unique design of the Business and Engineering Center is positioned and shaped to define the southern edge of the campus quadrangle while framing views to the lake, University Center and David L. Rice Library. It was designed with predominant building materials being brick, limestone and glass to create a connection with the other existing structures on campus. Each school was defined by distinctive materials, with Engineering in masonry and Business in stone. The two schools are represented by two interweaved building masses that form an atrium at the heart of the building to promote the exchange of ideas between programs and offer social gathering spaces.

Spaces within the building consist of several conference rooms, a large multi-purpose board room, a lecture hall, several classrooms for Business, Optics, Sales and Decision Support/Stock Simulation. It also includes over 20 specialized laboratories for classes in CAD, vibrations, surveying, materials testing, biomechanics, hardware/software, heat/thermos, power and mechanics and digital systems.

This award-winning facility has created a vibrant synergy between students as well as faculty which can be witnessed at any point throughout the day. Students are consistently seen socializing or working together in the study areas and central atrium, benefiting from one another’s unique perspectives and knowledge.