Crossroads Christian Church

Master Plan

Crossroads Christian Church is a thriving church that has witnessed a significant increase in membership in recent years. With more members comes the need for more space to effectively serve the ministries provided by the church. Crossroads hired Hafer to create a master plan that would guide their growth in an intelligent manner.

Many departments and organizations within Crossroads were interviewed during the master plan process. Differing viewpoints, needs and opinions were collected and synthesized into a plan that garnered consensus within all stakeholders. The master plan has since been implemented and the first project, the student theater expansion, has been completed. The next project, the addition of classrooms, expanded daycare and administration space will begin soon. Additional projects from the master plan scheduled to take place are spaces for middle school and high school worship, a new chapel and enlarged public gathering spaces intended to connect the church members and grow the sense of community that already exists at Crossroads.