

It’s always an honor to be chosen to design a faith community’s place of worship. Over the years, we’ve planned, programmed, designed and renovated religious facilities of all sizes and faiths. No matter the denomination or how many times we’ve done a similar project, we always start at the ground level, getting a true understanding of what the client really needs, as well as their vision. By evaluating and considering the nuances of each community, we’re able to create spaces that not only fit their needs today, but is flexible to fit the needs of tomorrow.

We are always aware that we’re designing for something bigger than us. These spaces are designed to celebrate faith, so we believe in utilizing the material resources we are entrusted with to create a tribute that helps us all reflect and leaves us inspired.

Religious buildings have also long been a place of fellowship. Our team takes into great consideration the necessary logistics to create a functional space, but we are always looking for ways to incorporate elements of the faith’s practice into the design of the building. Attention to detail and an appreciation for context is the kind of work that resonates with people. These intricacies help attract and retain new members as well.

For more information on religious design, contact Jack Faber, AIA.